Friday, January 22, 2010

better late than never

So I was chastised for not updating my blog today. Love you Melanie, lol. There really are no updates. I'm scared to death of the thought of the costs involved with the whole adoption thing, but we are still determined. Right now we are waiting for our tax returns to start the process. I think we will go ahead and get the homestudy done first, or at least after attending a few information meetings.

It's funny, even after reading tons of information concerning adoption, it still seems mystifying to me. The whole process is just an immense undertaking. I hope we are up to it. I know emotionally we are well past the point of being ready for a family, but are we emotionally ready for the process? I only attempted fertility treatments for a couple of months, only having one IUI, but I KNEW I couldn't do that again. The medicines alone were horrible, our jobs make it impossible to take random off time based around my cycle, and the procedure itself was HORRIBLE! I don't think it's supposed to hurt, but good God, did it!!!

Basically, this post has no news, and is sort of wandering, but hey, it's a post! I'm planning, now that the holidays are over, to make this a bit mroe regular. I know I said that to begin with, but cut me a break...I work retail, I was lucky to get 5 hours of sleep a night during Christmas, lol! So here's to a new year, and our chance to have a family!

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