Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Yet another sleepless night

So here I am, it's nearly 6 am and I can't sleep. We had our first consultation with the agency today and let me just say, sensory overload! Troy and I are so excited about the prospect of becoming parents, but to be honest, I am nervous. Primarily about the money...I've spent the night looking into loan and grant options, credit cards for adoption and fundraising options. We're looking at approximately $25k-$35k to get ourselves a baby, and while that really is about the price of a new car nowadays, you have to understand that Troy and I live completely on cash. We own our car outright, we don't use our credit cards except in case of emergency, and the only actual bill we pay, outside of utilities, is our mortgage. And let's just say that is over $150 less than we were paying in rent! So yeah, the idea of going into massive debt is killing both of us, but hey, I WILL find a way to do this!!!

I hope to update this new blog at least weekly to keep everyone updated on how we are doing and what phase of the adoption process we are in, but we'll have to see. Right now we are planning on focusing on getting the house presentable (yay for vacation time!) and saving a bit of money. Buying the house a couple of months ago depleted the already meager funds, but I think--or hope--that we can replenish a few thousand by January to get our homestudy started and then we will go from there. My goal for 2010 is to have a baby, regardless of race or gender...and if I'm lucky some girl will have twins which will make things twice as wonderful!!!


  1. Good luck! I'm going to keep my fingers and toes crossed for you guys (and send up a lot of prayers)! I had no idea it cost so much to adopt. Where are you looking to adopt from? The states or overseas??

  2. We're planning on domestic adoption. In the international adoption arena, you're incredibly lucky if you get a child under a year old, and some countries won't even allow you to adopt children under 9!!! For our first child we want a newborn, and in the U.S. you can actually take the baby home with you from the hospital! Some birthmothers will even allow you to be in the room when the baby is born! I want an experience as close to giving birth on my own as I can get. We have considered older child adoption further down the road tho.

  3. You are both going to be great parents! You are in our prayers. Have faith and God will help you through this process. As you know, I cannot say enough good things about adoption -- it certainly was the best thing we ever did. I know the waiting is terrible and seems like an eternity. My way of thinking is that anything worth having is worth waiting for. I truly believe that I appreciate Ari and Tommy more because I couldn't get pregnant and had to wait to adopt them and it wasn't easy. The longing will make you even better parents. I will keep checking the blog. Keep us posted.
